One of a trio of ancient, powerful, and generally benevolent entities that target and haunt emotionally closed-off people during the Christmas holiday, the Ghost of Christmas Past most often chooses to appear as a young woman. All three spirits are fully capable of communication with the living, and the Ghost of the Past prefers to use memories to convince her target towards better behavior. That said, these ghosts are also fully capable of getting flummoxed by the modern person’s resistance to change — and a flummoxed entity with this kind of power is something to worry about!
Where did the Ghost of Christmas Past come from?
The Ghost of Christmas Past, while originally from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, first showed up in The Real Ghostbusters episode “Xmas Marks the Spot.”
She doesn’t look the same in the game as she did on the show. In the show, she was taller and appeared as an adult woman. When they made the game, they made her younger, more child-like.
Ghost of Christmas Past’s Max Level Stats
Type | Light |
Role | Support |
Attack (ATK) | 1068 |
Defense (DEF) | 1220 |
Hit Points (HP) | 19045 |
Critical Rate | 5% |
Critical Damage | 50% |
Speed | 113 |
Resistance | 20% |
Ghost of Christmas Past’s Skills
Passive Skill | Increase Critical Damage (team) by 30%. |
Normal Skill | Single-target attack equal to 100% of attack power. 60% chance to remove attacked enemy’s buff status effect. |
Special Skill | Single-target attack equal to 150% of attack power. Increase defense (team) by 50% for 2 turns. Cooldown Time: 4 |
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