If you haven’t played it yet, Fall Guys is a game that starts you out against a ton of other players as you run through random levels, or play mini-games on teams, while trying not to fall off of the platforms. Your goal is to survive all the way to the end. (Every now and then there are some children who make it to the end and decide to turn around and try to block other people from getting to the end. This is not the behavior of real Ghostbusters, so let’s be kind to other players.)
I don’t know when these cosmetics will release in the game, as this all comes from this video on YouTube:
It hasn’t been officially announced yet, as far as I know, and I don’t know the release date. Looks like we can get a full Ghostbusters costume including a Proton Pack, Slimer, Gozer, a Mini-Puft attack, a No-Ghost logo pattern, and a Proton Stream pattern.

But that’s not all. There are also these nickname banners, which include Stay Puft, Slimer, a Ghost Trap, and a Terror Dog. (I wonder if we’ll ever get the Stay Puft cosmetic for our little characters. That looks too perfect.)

And for those who thought it was going to be He-Man… those cosmetics are coming to Fall Guys, too!
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