What Pokemon Go should learn from Ghostbusters World
I’ve been playing Pokemon Go since it launched a little over 5 years ago. I also played Ghostbusters World almost daily when it was around. Playing both games a ton, I have some insight into […]
I’ve been playing Pokemon Go since it launched a little over 5 years ago. I also played Ghostbusters World almost daily when it was around. Playing both games a ton, I have some insight into […]
With the help of another Ghostbusters World player who goes by J.H. Tobin on our Discord, we have uncovered 21 ghosts that were in various stages of development for the game. Not only that, but […]
Many of us have probably seen this happen with mobile games in the past. Sometimes the original developer of a game can’t keep running it, or doesn’t want to, for whatever reason. So they have […]
We’ve gotta talk about the things that went right with Ghostbusters World, because it has a lot of awesome. And there are some things that games like Pokemon Go could learn from… especially with a […]
There are several things that I think contributed to this game closing on August 13, and I feel like it is a combination of these things that lead to this eventual end. I don’t think […]
Here we are. We played the game, we hoped for the best, and that the game would find an audience and massive growth when the new movie, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, was released on July 10, 2020. […]
Hey Ghostheads! The dev team over at 4:33 came through, and restarted the seasons for both Player vs. Player and Gozer’s Tower! This means you can resume collecting your daily and weekly mission rewards as […]
Having broken a few months ago, we thought they might hear us and fix this situation. And many players have been told that the devs know about this issue. However, it appears that the devs […]
Update: Both PVP Arena and Gozer’s Tower are back up! Okay, so I don’t need to repeat the fact that we’re living in times that things are happening in this world unlike anything any of […]
There have been several reports of Motorola phones not working with Ghostbusters World since the latest update to bring the game back online after a Unity update seemed to break the game for everyone. What […]
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