When you tap on the Menu button, and then “Ghost Collection,” you’ll bring up the contents of your containment unit. This is where you manage all of the ghosts that you’ve caught.
You start out with the ability to store X ghosts, and you can increase the amount of space available to 500 slots. (To do this, you’ll need to purchase a “Klein Bottle” for 200 Gems in the shop, which will add 50 more spaces for ghost storage.) I currently have room for 200 ghosts, and have 101 unique ghosts.
Bonus Tip: Use the lock button. |
Lock all of the ghosts that you don’t want to destabilize. It helps when you are going through new ghosts that you’ve caught and want to quickly destabilize a bunch. I tend to sort by name, so I can compare the grade level of each ghost to see if I have caught one that is better than the other that I have. If it is, I’ll go ahead and lock the new, better ghost, and unlock the old one, to destabilize it. You can only destabilize 10 ghosts at a time, which isn’t much of an inconvenience. Be aware, though, that the bonuses may make a grade A ghost better than a grade S ghost that you may have. |
From the Ghost Collection page, you can also create and edit your teams by tapping on the Team Settings button at the bottom. To the right of that is a menu for sorting out your ghosts with a button to change the order that the ghosts appear in. Finally, there’s the destabilize button. All of your locked ghosts will fade out, making it easy to find the ones you want
Ghost Grades
The ghosts all have a grade that shows up. This is a feature that I really appreciate. The grade levels are D, C, B, A, and S. There has been a rumor as of late that some people are reporting a higher grade level: SS. This grade is a bug in the game and has been shown to have the same stats as a “D” ranked ghost.
You can also see what type each ghost is, their CP levels, if they are locked or not, whether they are assigned to a team, the ghost’s level and rank out of five stars.
Ghost Element Types
Ghosts in this game are sorted into one of five different element types. There isn’t currently a multi-element ghost, and there are no “normal” types.
Each type is strong against one type and weak against another. Here’s a chart to help as you plan your attack or defense.
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