Halloween is a favorite holiday for many fans of Ghostbusters. That probably goes without saying if you’re reading this website.
Anyway, this summer as Ghostbusters World was coming to an end, LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed ran a Ghostbusters event where you could attempt to unlock LEGO versions of Peter, Ray, Winston, Egon, and Slimer.
Peter and Ray were available to purchase as well as unlock, and were said to be limited to that event only. However, they have reconfigured the Ghostbusters events to make Peter and Ray accessible to players who missed them during the event. And it appears that the Slimer event will be back as well.
I missed out on getting Slimer the first time around. It turns out you would have had to start playing a few months before the original event to be able to get far enough through the event, and to collect enough resources to unlock Slimer and potentially max out all of the Ghostbusters.
So here’s when we can expect the Ghostbusters to come back, according to the Update 6 Patch Notes:
A new Master Event to get Ghost, who is a powerful attacker. He’s unlockable at 5 stars if you complete the first 5 nodes of the event.
An updated Imperial Brickpace Event with fewer hard nodes.
And finally, the Ghostbusters Brickpace Event, which has been updated to include Peter and Ray tiles. It also hints that Slimer’s event will be available as well.
The Master Event will be dropping soon, probably this week, and the return of the Ghostbusters event will be happening after Halloween, when it’s time to clean up Piptown.
So here’s what’s going on right now:
October 16-25: Alumni Days
October 27-November 5: Tierney of Justice
October 30-November 8: Ghost Hunting – Could this be the one that we’re waiting for? Or will the Ghostbusters return to the game around November 9th? We’ll find out soon enough!

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