A lot of people ask how to get more gates, also called Dimensional Doors, in their city. There has also been a report that Jurassic World Alive has more gates in their city than Ghostbusters World has, and both games are based on the same Google Maps API.
I have had my suspicions that the initial launch of gates had to do with registered businesses in Google’s business program.
That said, I sent a message to their support team to ask about what it takes to get more gates added to the game. Here is their response:
Hello Recruit!
Thanks for writing in.
If you want to request a new gate, you can send us the coordinates of the place you want to have the gate and reasons to add a new gate, we will send it to dev for further discussion. To get the coordinates, you may refer to this link: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/18539
Have a nice day!
Ghostbusters World Support Team
Let’s translate this into steps to take so that we don’t miss anything as we start requesting gate additions to the game.
- Locate a place a door should appear, but doesn’t currently.
- Landmarks
- Points of Interest
- Restaurants
- Get the coordinates from Google Maps (Instructions)
- Contact support with the coordinates and reasons the gate should be added.
One idea that I just had is to find favorite Pokestops in Pokemon
For reference, that could prove helpful, let’s look at what Niantic’s rules are for adding Pokestops to Pokemon Go (for those that have access to the nomination system). (Information from Daily Star.)
To make the most of each nomination, be sure to submit high-quality nominations that have a good chance of being eligible. These categories are considered an eligible candidate for a PokéStop:
- A location with a cool story, a place in history or educational value
- An interesting piece of art or unique architecture (Statues, paintings, mosaics, light installations, etc.)
- A hidden gem or hyper-local spot
- Public parks
- Public libraries
- Public places of worship
- Major transit stations hubs (like Grand Central Station)
These categories are NOT considered an eligible candidate for a PokéStop:
- Places without safe pedestrian access. All PokéStop nominations must have pedestrian access otherwise they will be rejected regardless of the quality of the PokéStop.
- Private residences & surrounding private residential property
- Locations that interfere with operations of fire stations, police stations, or hospitals
- Places on the grounds of child care centers or primary/secondary schools
- Natural features such as landscapes, mountains, waterfalls (however, man-made points of interest connected to these natural features are great, such as plaques or informational signs)
- Objects that are not permanent (such as seasonal displays)
- Adult-oriented stores or services (such as liquor stores, adult entertainment, shooting ranges, firearm stores, etc.)
Thanks for this guide, Luminous! Good chatting with you today. (Mark78 in-game).
No problem! It was a pleasure. I am hoping that my guides only get better and better as time goes on.
Most, if not all of the original pokestops were all Ingress portals, even using the same user-submitted pictures for the locations. Ingress note had a much more successful submission and cloud evaluation system and I wouldn’t be surprised if Niantic (devs of Ingress) are also using that info for pogo.
That is accurate and is how a lot of Pokestops and gyms have been added to Pokemon Go since the launch as well. However, they are rolling out the system I described above, for Pokemon Go, slowly. Only level 40 players in a few countries so far. The criteria they mentioned above, I believe, should also apply to Ghostbusters World. As I see it, if it is good enough for a Pokestops, it is good enough for a Dimensional Door.