Submit ideas for new features that you would like to see added to Ghostbusters World and vote for other ideas. We recommend reading the ideas below so you can vote for the ideas that you agree with, before accidentally submitting a duplicate idea. Duplicate ideas are deleted.
Not all ideas will be posted. We will try to make the ideas into a format that will be the most helpful to the developers if we can. They do appreciate our requests and feedback, but as I have learned, there are ways to ask for things that are more helpful than others.
i.e. “this button is broken” isn’t as helpful as “I expected button X to Y, but X doesn’t Y, instead it Z’s.” So we will attempt to make sure our ideas get more clear and more helpful to the developers, based on that kind of logic.
We will be sharing this page with support, who can pass it along to the dev team. There is no guarantee that any or all of the ideas will make it to the game. But we felt it was a better idea to try, rather than do nothing but wish they could read our minds.
Also comment on:
Ghost Wish List
Equipment Wish List

Archived ideas from when Ghostbusters World was the focus of this site.
Dimensional Door Speed Increase
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
With the animation, the dimensional doors take a bit too long to collect items. I’m not suggesting that we remove the animation, or speed it up, as it is part of the character of the game, and if you want to watch it, you should be able to.
What I am suggesting is this: In Pokemon Go, when you go to a stop, you spin it, and then items show up in bubbles. You don’t have to pop the bubbles to collect the items, but you can if you want. You can also just tap to exit and all of the items collect.
I would love it if, as we do right now, you can tap on the door, but then, if you want to quickly collect the items, you tap a second time to skip the animation, and then tap a third time to exit. Same minimum number of taps, but mere seconds to collect items, rather than 11+ seconds per door.
A submission from a user stated the following:
Change, erase or at least make the animations OPTIONAL.
11 seconds at least.
4 taps.
For ONE move.
Every. Single. Door.
Thousands of times over.
The fact that anyone makes animations or cut scenes unskippable is unfathomable these days. It was a design flaw in the 90s. And here we are with this annoying animation.
After 8500 doors, a user has spent over 24 hours watching nothing but that stupid animation.
Overlapping Door/Ghost Pop-up
Submitted by Principal
Players of Ingress will recognize this. When an item and a portal/door are too close together, activating one brings up a very small menu asking you to clarify which one you tried to touch.
Doors and ghosts overlap all the time. Trying to touch the door when all I get is a ghost encounter is frustrating.
So this feature would be one like the Ingress feature. When a portal and a ghost are close in proximity, it would ask which one you meant to tap.
Ghost Trading
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
The way Pokemon Go has made trading work is pretty smart, and mitigates the risk of someone taking advantage of someone else, or borrowing their phone to trade away all of someone’s great pokemon. The way it works in Go, is that you must first be friends with someone. You build up friendship levels over time, trading gifts with each other, battling with each other, etc. After months of playing together, you can become best friends. As you move through the friendship levels, the stardust cost to trade Pokemon sharply decreases. You also need to be within 100 meters of someone to trade.
This is a good system to imitate for Ghostbusters World. It’s well thought out, and protects all players’ collections. I think that runes are going to be a question with regard to trading. (Do the runes go with the ghost?)
More Frequent Multiplayer Boss Ghost Appearances
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Pokemon Go’s eggs tend to hatch every day, and all of them are multiplayer. The only one that I’ve had problems with are EX Raids which only seem to happen from Monday to Friday, during first shift hours. I can see where this is a big problem for many players. Bosses like Stay Puft only show every three weeks, so for a player like me, who can’t get out every Saturday that he’s around to bring him down and get the shards, it could take about 10 years to get a Stay Puft. I understand wanting players to play for longer to catch all the ghosts. I also understand that it’s currently a game that is still growing in number of players.
Side-note: Once your weapons are powerful enough, it’s not difficult to solo any of the multiplayer bosses.
It’s much easier to find a group of players when these bosses are so rare that you should try to show up when they’re happening. It’s a bit of a catch-22 right now. Perhaps when they add more “Legendary Raids” to the game?
Better Level Up Rewards
Submitted by Thunderian
A chance at some goggles at a dimensional door perhaps, or more coins/gems or even runes upon leveling up. PKE Crystal’s plus a few hundred coins for a weeks farming is a massive let down.
Editor’s Note: Completely agree with this one. Getting 100-500 PKE Crystals or a few hundred coins when upgrades keep increasing in cost seems a bit on the cheap side. Giving us more chances at coins in the thousands seems more fair to me.
Create More Traps at Once
Submitted by Thunderian
The ability to create more than 3 master traps at once.
If you can afford the coins, why place a limit on how many you can make?
Editor’s Note: I would like this to apply to the Advanced Trap as well. When the game launched, you could produce 5 of each trap. The standard trap remained at five, but after a balancing update, the Advanced and Master Traps were lowered to three. I would love to see it return to five for all three trap types.
Ghost Vacuum
Submitted by Dumpus
A user called Dumpus recommended that they sell a Ghost Vacuum in the store, that only sucks up 1 star (maybe also 2 star) ghosts for a set amount of time during use. This would be great when you’re trying to save up for upgrades.
Ecto-Goggle Batteries by Types
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Right now the batteries currently work for finding Light/Dark ghosts more easily. One of the major players in the game suggested that having different batteries for different types of Ghosts would be cool, like a Water ghost Battery that could help find, for instance, Yuki.
Actual PVP Battles
Submitted by Thunderian
To be able to battle someone live would be great, either in person at a dimensional door, or a properly live PVP.
Editor’s Note: I would add that the current PVP could stay as-is, but have a new “Live PVP” option, where you can battle other players live. This is a feature that I could see coming after the friends feature is added, but either way, I think it would be a great addition to the game.
Ability to Exchange Shards for Higher Levels
Submitted by John
It would be great if we could trade in the hundreds of low level 1* and 2* shards for some higher ones. Even at a high ratio, this would be a great addition. For example, 50 level 2 could get you 1 level 3. Or if not are direct exchange, maybe at least the ability to sell excess shards for coins and/or pke crystals.
Ghost Costume Variants
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Christmas brought limited-time costumes for six ghosts. Dixie was notable, in that she usually wears white, but for Christmas she was wearing red, and a lot of people noticed because she’s one of the strongest ghosts in the game so she’s in a lot of teams. Anyway, it would be nice to have the ability to choose, on an individual, ghost-by-ghost level, which costume variant you’d like your ghost to wear. You would be able to see your regular Dixie in your Containment Unit, next to your Christmas Dixie, if you have two of her.
Loading Screen Speed Increase
Submitted by Thunderian
Dimensional Door loading speed has been mention by almost everyone, but the loading time of pretty much any screen is awful.. especially in PVP where it takes 3-4 screens before you are ready to battle.
Editor’s Note: If there are things that simply take a little bit of time to load, that can’t quickly be changed, at least start showing gameplay tips, fun quotes from the movie, and fun loading screen sentences like “Light is green, trap is clean” and “We got one!” to help us pass the time.
Enhancements to Production of Traps and Ammo
Submitted by James
I’d love to be able to invest in the in-game production facilities – speeding up, lowering the cost and/or increasing the amount of traps and ammunition that can be produced at one time, or allowing multiple types of one item to be produced at the same time.
At maximum capacity you could have all the traps and all ammo in constant production, so long as you have the money available.
Failing that, just being able to pay with gems to speed up trap production would make a big difference!
Boss Lures and/or Ecto-Goggle Batteries
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Pipkin recommends that, in addition to the idea of having batteries available to attract Earth, Fire, and Water ghosts, there could also be a battery that attracts Boss ghosts, from Mini-Bosses all the way up to Multiplayer Bosses.
This battery would be more expensive, because it attracts the bigger bosses.
This would help to solve the “bosses never appear near me” problem. (Also, please continue filling in the gaps of places where people are too far out from bosses, though.)
I am adding to that the idea of a Boss Lure, that could attract the bosses to your area. Think about putting down a lure for bosses, and everyone in your area sees a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man approaching. And the cool thing is, only one person would need to do this at a time in an area, so there wouldn’t be 10 Stay Pufts walking around.
Seasonal Shard Rewards
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Other games I have played offer seasons where you get shards of a specific ghost for playing during the season. This would especially be good if they implemented using shards for upgrading the ghost’s abilities. For instance, one season they could have prizes of Vigo shards, and I could use those toward unlocking Vigo, or upgrading the Vigo that I already have. The next season could be Nine-Tailed Fox. Either way, seasonal rare ghost shards as rewards for playing PVP/tower would be a nice addition to the game.
Ghost Lure Modules
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
In Pokemon Go, for those that don’t know, you can attach a lure to a pokestop (which are dimensional doors in Ghostbusters World). These lures will last 30 minutes on a normal day, and 3 hours if placed during an event such as a Pokemon Go Community Day. They attract more Pokemon to the stop, and sometimes Pokemon appear that are a little more rare. I’ve thought about something like this, where dimensional doors could have a feature you trigger that only lasts an hour at a time, to bring in more ghosts. Perhaps it could be a “Lure Battery” or something like that, for the dimensional doors?
Username Change
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Some people that I’ve talked to would love the ability to change their username. It could be free to change one time, with additional changes at a cost. It could always be free. But this is a small feature that could go a long way to helping the community in small ways, too.
Dimensional Door Ghost Lists
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
I love being able to see what ghosts are close by. You currently have to go within range of a door to see the list of ghosts that will appear nearby.
That said when I’m in a park, or another place with a dense number of Dimensional Doors, I would love to be able to tap on a door, and then another “Ghost Tracker” button from within the Dimensional Door screen, so that I can see what ghosts may be generated around a particular door. That way, I can choose where to focus my efforts in my search for rare ghosts, such as Yuki or Dixie.
Passenger Play
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
The game currently doesn’t let you play when you’re moving too fast, such as a fast moving car. When the driver is going slow enough, ~20 MPH, you’re able to play as a passenger. There is no override for faster moving cars, when it comes to catching ghosts. You can still play the PVP, Tower, and other features of the game that aren’t map related, however.
One for the Collectors: Ghost Numbering System
Submitted by Thunderian
As soon as you destabilize a Boss, it shows up in Tobin’s Spirit Guide. This gives the illusion of having a ghost that you don’t actually have.
Would like to see a ‘Pokedex’ style numbering system or similar that keeps track of what you have/don’t have more clearly.
Player Radius Boost
Submitted by James
I’d love to have an option to temporarily expand the radius of the circle around the player so that gates that are further away can be triggered.
This might be something that only works once every 30 minutes and only lasts for 2 minutes, for example, but would allow those who can’t move far for whatever reason (for example, when I’m at my desk in work and there are three gates just tantalisingly outside my radius) to still get gates that would otherwise be out of reach.
Change Main Weapon During Ghost Battle
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
We now have the ability to change traps during a capture battle. What about the other weapons?
It might not be realistic because it would be heavy for your character to carry two extra types of ammo/weapons, but if you run out of one type, it would be nice to quickly switch.
New Skins
Submitted by William
Can we get the Transformers Ghostbusters Ectotron as a skin/outfit.
I’d also like the Extreme GB, some of the RGB toys and the suits from the court room in GB2 as outfits.
Randomize !!
Submitted by LOGGED-IN
Instead of catching the same bosses like clockwork, and characters in story mode, how about if they randomized ghosts of certain ranks so you have more variety to the game.
More Level Up Packs
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
The level up pack for levels 1-20 is amazing.
It would be great to be able to get a pack for levels 21-40 and 41-60 as well.
I would gladly get both.
Costume Attributes
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Adding bonuses that the suits can give you is an interesting idea. It’s something I don’t really see them doing, but possible. If they did this, I would like to see them update other suits with bonus attributes as well.
Ability to Repurchase Level Up Packs Every X Days
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
It would be great to be able to purchase the level up pack again, every so often. It could be after a certain amount of time that it unlocks for purchase again.
One idea would be to make it cycle with Gozer’s Tower. Whenever the Gozer’s Tower season resets, the level up packs could be available to purchase again. This could be more valuable to us if there were additional level up packs for later levels as well.
Ghost / Door reward variety
Submitted by LOGGED-IN
Even in the simplest of RPGs dating back to the 80s, even the smallest of enemies would give some random level of gold and items. Not a lot, but there would at least be variety of some sort.
Ghost capturing is the dullest, most uneventful, unchanging part of this game. If ghosts gave varying levels of experience (and I don’t mean a single point for a stopped attack), would drop extra gold, perhaps carry a phantom key, darts, or a couple gems.. I dunno ANYTHING, it would at least be a reason to keep capturing. But currently, not only are the ghosts themselves horribly repetitive, I know exactly how much I’m going to garner from them before I even start.
Recurring Events
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Please consider adding recurring events for players to catch more special ghosts, special versions of ghosts, etc.
(And let us keep the special versions of ghosts, unlike the Christmas ones that reverted to normal after the event).
This could be a monthly, or weekly recurring event, but should last for a weekend, not just a few hours. Give us a chance to get out and find the special ghosts: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, all day, have more frequent sightings of these special ghosts. Even run it like the shiny hunting in Pokemon Go, where you see the ghost, but there’s a chance you could get the special one.
Also, even if it is just for event ghosts, see if we can speed up ghost loading animations so we can keep looking for the special versions of the ghosts, if that’s what the event is.
But we would like recurring events that we can look forward to as a community.
Battle/ controlling gates
Submitted by LOGGED-IN
Battling locations, or points to control with our ghosts.
Using some recognized businesses or main stay landmarks along with item generating gates we already have to promote activity in-game.
A simple credit reward possibly or specific items of value.
A location invite system
Submitted by LOGGED-IN
With all the issues of boss spawning locations for many players and a spread out population of players it is a struggle to be communal on a localized level beyond a few friends or solo boss play for fruitless reasons.
I would suggest a friend based location sharing capability for multi-bosses and solo bosses to curve many of the issues with amounts of location in a given area and spawn generation in them, and also promote active playing along with a more communal sense of play.
A friend list of fellow busters titled ” who you gonna call?” Possibly?
This would not only bring players to desired locations but create team playing by finding our boss spawns to share the call with other players, but create also communal activity and incentives for me and others to pay for another try, or extend our inventory to compete with other, better players we encounter, help, ask for assistance, and desire to play along with.
I lose much interest in going to my 2 locations locally that spawn any bosses because of the lacking community beyond a few friends I hold directly, and easily tire of competition with or feel confined by the population of outside players for us to interact with being far lower and incapable of reaching our locations to play, compete, make us jealous, win, or lose on any level.
Capability to call others to a singular location for just these reasons ask who they will call not only holds true to the theme, but enhances many elements of gameplay and would encourage activity along with spending habits on in game items, and increased attempts/ spending on foresight of further attempts than a daily cap or extra turns.
Second confirmation when “finishing” a sphere or equipment upgrade
Submitted by James
So I just obtained a sphere through something and went to the container to start the hatching process. As I am about to click it I bump my phone and almost dropped it and in the process accidently clicked the finish button on a 1-5 sphere that I had just started minutes prior. This used 69 of my gems I was not intending to spend. Suggestion would be to add a confirmation button that you want to use the gems like other gem used features in the game.
More Sorting Options for Runes
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
The Rune Inventory page can currently be organized by “NAME,” “COUNT,” and “RANK.” It would be helpful to also be able to organize by “SLOT.”
Chat Pause
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Give us the ability to pause chat so that we can scroll up and read the history without chat resetting to the bottom when someone types something new.
Top 100 Rankings from Past Season
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
On the same screens that show the top hundred for the Ghost Arena and for Gozer’s Tower, it would be awesome if there were tabs for last season’s top hundred.
Remote Gates
Have the ability to create as many remote gates as any players wants in place of 1 gate – done.
It would be a little ridiculous to have, say a 100+ remote gates around your own home/property, place of business, and everywhere that you might travel on a daily basis, but then again…. would it be so ridiculous???
Dimensional Door Requests In-Game
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Ability to submit requests for Dimensional Doors in game, for level 50+ players, that are policed by the community and/or the devs. This will especially help in rural areas where players want to catch more ghosts, but have no doors to visit.
Dimensional Door Naming
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Ability to suggest the name for an “Unknown Dimensional Door” for level 50+ players. Sometimes a door seems to be missing a very obvious name of the art or whatever has the door. Please let us correct these doors.
The entire boss chapter of the game, from Minis to Multiplayer, needs to be scrapped & rebuilt.
Submitted by Principal
This aspect of the game was not planned or executed with any foresight. Even moreso knowing that it involves the entire “top half” of the game and building a top tier team without bosses is second rate, if not, impossible.
Devs clearly made a intentional move to at least make the base game (1 and 2 star ghosts) available anywhere on the planet. They completely skewed that with bosses.
Regular bosses:
Bosses have been limited to pre determined, unchanging areas at pre determined, unchanging times. Cutting off, in one move, virtually the entire planet surface, with the exception of the lucky few who live within a few kilometers of an appearance with a schedule open enough to fight them.
Specific, time based, locations rotating across time zones only encourages spoofing while denying honest players the top half of the game and leaving them to fight virtually nothing except the same low level ghosts over and over.
– anything other than what you’re doing
-rolling location appearances.
-have bosses walk around the Earth all the time, everywhere so they will occasionally walk in and out of range.
Multi-player bosses.
These bosses are so restrictive, you could remove them from the game entirely and it would make virtually no difference to the player base. Coding this part of the game was a waste of time.
There are so few players of this game, the playable radius needs to be extended from a hilarious 200m to at least 5-10km. Only then would you possibly see multiple players fighting a boss. No one is fighting these bosses anyway spare one or two people on the entire planet Earth.
I would wager the last time there were multiple players fighting a boss at the same time was for the promo stills and video for the press release.
Mini bosses:
1) should be the most powerful ghosts or:
2) should be appearing 500% more often.
Again, ghosts that take literally years to compile, only to have boring stats, are a complete waste of time.
Smoke Testing
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Regression Testing
Submitted by LuminousSpecter
Submitted by DanaBarrettsPlaything
This has come up a bunch in the chat and i thought a dedicated thread on it would be helpful. What are the best options for using a healer? I currently have a runed-up A level Dixie. I have experimented with the Chairman with critical rate maxed up over 50% and like it ok but he doesn’t seem to heal himself and Dixie seems more effective. I also just got a B level 6 tailed and wondered if that might be a better option than Dixie given that it provides the same 30% heal plus a chance to remove defense from an opponent.
Can we get some thoughts on this issue?
Speed Increase
Submitted by Dave
Please increase the max ghost dimension fighting speed from 2x, up to 10x. That way, we all can take care of business at a faster rate of speed!
Thank You!
Options edit
Submitted by Dave
Include options to remove/include all non-essential ghost cut scenes.
When you fight a ghost, Within seconds later, you’re fighting a ghost, not 10 seconds later, or after defeating a ghost. This includes all ghost dimension activity cut scenes before, after, etc, and story mode playing.
Dimensional Doors
Submitted by Dave
A productive way to submit ideas for dimensional doors, rather than emailing or attempting to have “Josh” copy n paste, generically and briefly respond back: “oh ok; submitted to devs; good luck playing; etc”
It appears all of us are doing same song and dance thing now. We’re not animals begging for our food bowls to be fed for ghosts sake (lol)
In reality, GBW support is not doing crap. It’s more than noticeable there have been no noticeable updates for months on end.
Scouting the internet will prove my point about the MANY hundreds of unhappy, ignored GBW players.
Why have GBW players been forgotten??
Add Friends/Chat/Profile
Submitted by Dave
The adding friends function no longer works. Needs to be moved to a more operable place, rather than somewhere in Chat mode.
On the flip-side, blocking users works perfectly.
Is this from propaganda or ill-fated priorities??
Perhaps include a function to allow to search for game players in GBW, including their rankings and etc.
Thus would result in having a more personable experience about establishing ones own profile.