The Real Ghostbusters (Game Boy) Walkthrough - Version 1.2 Written by - Camden ([email protected]) Copyright 2011, Ryan Blackmore
Released in October of 1993, The Real Ghostbusters is just one game in the Crazy Castle series of games, starring anyone from Roger Rabbit and Bugs Bunny to Garfield and Woody Woodpecker. On top of that, it’s just one of three versions of the same game. Released as Mickey Mouse IV: The Magical Labyrinth in Japan and Garfield Labyrinth in Europe, it was given a Ghostbusters makeover when it was released stateside.
You play as Dr. Peter Venkman, who with the aid of his Proton Pack must navigate his way through 51 floors of this dungeon, collecting stars and defeating enemies along the way.
Basic Controls
The controls can’t get much more basic than this.
A | Jump, select items in the menu. |
B | Proton Pack. |
Start | Opens the menu screen. |
Select | Opens the menu screen. |
D-Pad | Moves Peter around. |
The items are pretty self-explanatory.
Stars | These are what you collect to finish each stage. |
Keys | Keys come in four flavors. Arrow, circle, X and door keys. |
Bombs | You place these on the ground and enemies die when they walk over them. |
Hearts | Refills your health gauge. |
Peter | Awards you with an extra life. |
Potion | Allows you to walk into anything and instantly kill it for 8 or 9 seconds. |
Clock | Adds 50 seconds of time to your total. |
Before the game starts, Peter is randomly walking around, only for a bridge to collapse right out from under him! Oh no! After falling for a few seconds, he somehow lands safely on the ground and heads right to pick up a star. Peter then moves left and, using his Proton Pack destroys a section of the floor. There’s a door right there and he didn’t even knock to see if someone was home, he just goes and destroys the place. Under the block is a second star, which rewards Peter with the key to open the door next to him. The door leads to…
Stage One
- Stars: 2
- Time limit: 999 Seconds
- Password: None
Head right to pick up the bomb. Go up the ladder and follow the enemy, either jumping over him or dropping the bomb to kill him. Pick up the key and your first star, and use the key to lower the drawbridge. Use your Proton Pack to destroy the block and drop down to pick up your second star and the door key. Crawl under the blocks and pick up an extra life before exiting through the door. The W door warps you somewhere else on the stage, this one takes you back to the start in case you need to go back to get something.
Stage Two
- Stars: 5
- Time limit: 999 Seconds
- Password: LFBD
Head right to pick up the first star. Continue on and destroy a block or two to pick up a bomb and your second star. When you reach the fire, wait for the enemy to pass in front of you before jumping to safety, and drop a bomb to deal with him. Climb up the ladder for your third star, and crawl under the blocks to pick up your fourth. Destroy the lone block and pick up another bomb, using it to kill the upcoming enemy. Head past the gate and destroy a block to get the key, and go back to unlock the final star and the door key. Continue right and jump over the water to finish the stage.
Stage Three
- Stars: 6
- Time limit: 150 Seconds
- Password: VCSB
Head left and destroy one of the blocks to get your first star. Continue on and jump up to reach the second star. Heading left, drop down and pick up the third star and a heart. Continue left, jumping over the enemy as well as any shots fired by the cannon to the far left if necessary, and climb up the two ladders to acquire your fourth and fifth stars. Take the left set of the ladder to the fifth star or you’ll get hit by falling blocks, which outright kill you. Going down the ladder, head right and avoid falling into the water, and destroy the lone block to pick up a key. Head back to the left to open up the locked gate, and blast one of the blocks away. The middle block on the ground contains a free life for you to pick up. Take the warp up and climb the ladder to get your final star and the door key. Go back down to proceed to the next stage.
Stage Four
- Stars: 3
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: TRFF
Move to the ladder immediately and start climbing. You should be able to get off on the first level before the monster runs into you. Pick up the bomb and either jump the monster or kill him with the bomb you just picked up. Continue up the ladder and destroy the first block on the right for a heart. Destroy the blocks next to it to pick up a key and your first star. Climb under the blocks and head back up, and go right past the blocks which should have regenerated by now. Destroy the left block for a bomb and pick up your second star. Drop down and use your bomb to kill the upcoming monster if you wish, there’s another right next to you. Unlock the gate from the left keyhole or you’ll be trapped to the right and have to warp back. It takes you right above it anyhow. Drop down and hope you don’t get hit by the enemy, bomb him and pick up your final star and the door key. Before leaving, destroy the middle block of the three next to the door for a free life.
Stage Five
- Stars: 4
- Time limit: 200 Seconds
- Password: ZFRG
Jump across the platform to reach the first star. Climb up the ladder and tear through the blocks to reach the second star. After going through another layer of blocks, crawl left for the third star. Blast through a few more layers of brick and jump over the fire to your left for a key, avoiding any of the shots from the cannon. Open the gate to the right and jump over the witch, grabbing your final star and the door key. The third block here will award you with a bomb as well. Climb up the ladder and use it to kill the witch running around. Walk across the rocky ground and climb down the makeshift staircase. Destroy the lower-left block and crawl under the ladder to reach the exit.
Stage Six
- Stars: 18
- Time limit: 350 Seconds
- Password: NGSF
Your first stage with a large number of stars to collect. Climb up the ladder to make the blocks fall, and use them to jump into the next room. Collect a bomb and your first two stars. Climb down the ladder and go right, which leads to another ladder. Go left on the first landing for your third star. Jump across to smash some bricks for your fourth and fifth stars as well as a potion. Drop down, avoiding the monster, to pick up the sixth and seventh stars as well as a key. You can kill the monster if you want to. Head back up and go left across the closed gate, and go up the ladder for the eighth star and a heart. Open the gate and head down the ladder, picking up the ninth, tenth, and eleventh stars, as well as the twelfth star just across some water to the right.
Continue jumping over the water and eventually crawl under some bricks for a bomb. Head up the ladder and slide across the icy floor for your thirteenth star. Go down first, and lure the monster up to bomb him. Alternately, you can use the potion and just run him down. The first ladder nets you a heart, and going across the water gets you the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth star, as well as a key. Go back and head up two ladders, nabbing the seventeenth star right after. Open the gate and go left, jumping across more water to get you a free life, your final star, and the door key. Head back to the right
Stage Seven
- Stars: 2
- Time limit: 200 Seconds
- Password: QDCZ
Break the opening brick in front of you for a key. Bust through the massive pile of bricks to the small opening, which drops you onto your first star. Crawl left to the ladder and go up. Use the key on the bridge to the right and jump across to get the second key, which opens up the gate to the left. In front of the gate, you can destroy a brick to acquire a bomb. Use it to defeat the enemy in front of you, and hopefully while avoiding the cannon you can pick up the final star and the door key. Head right back to the start of the stage to finish.
Stage Eight
- Stars: 4
- Time limit: 300 Seconds
- Password: KCNG
You’re given three keys and three gates you can open up. Use the arrow key on the left-most gate as the other two just drop you into pits of fire. Head right again to pick up another set of keys. This time, use the circle key to open up the middle gate. Head right a third time to pick up some more keys, if you can, and if you couldn’t guess you need to use the X key on the right gate. There’s a very large pile of breakable blocks below you, with two stars hidden inside. Burn through them and then make yourself a hole all the way to the bottom. The third and last star are here, along with your door key and a bomb.
The crystal in the middle always transports you to the left, so you have to jump over it to continue. Destroy the lone block on the right. and jump over the two large crystals to the left down here. Crawl under the block hanging down in front of you, as spikes will shoot out of it. Do so again on the second half of the two longer ones hanging down next, and the middle one on the final stretch. If the monster from before is alive and chasing you, go ahead and bomb him now. Destroy one of the two bricks and drop through the hole below. You can climb up the webbing and go over the fire to reach the door to the next stage.
Stage Nine
- Stars: 3
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: TRBD
Head right and dig down to pick up your first star. Go down the ladder to the left and jump over the pit of fire, which now features a fireball jumping out of it, to get the second star. Go down and jump over the water to reach some blocks surrounding a heart as well as a key. Pick them up and head up the ladder. Jump over the water, the icy floor can send you into it, and you’re already at the final star and the door key. Go back to the start and head across all of the blocks. Jump over the water, pick up the bomb, and use your key to drop the bridge. The next section of blocks has an enemy running around on top of it, use the bomb if you so choose. You can collect a clock if you dig down the left side a little bit. Continue digging on the right side to reach a key, and keep moving so you don’t get killed by the regenerating blocks. You’ll reach a ladder that takes you down to a bridge, which leads right to the final door.
Stage Ten
- Stars: 6
- Time limit: 220 Seconds
- Password: LGCK
Crawl right to begin with, and instead of pressing up to climb the ladder, jump first so you can avoid the cannon right next to it. Pick up the bomb and potion before climbing up the next ladder, bomb the witch and pick up the first two stars. The next level up has a witch and a cannon to the right. You can pick up a bomb to the left to deal with the witch, before heading up either ladder. Another witch is roaming around here, with a heart to pick up. Yet another witch is on the next floor, and a third star is to the right. After climbing up yet another ladder, avoid the cannon to the left and make your way to the next ladder. Start moving upwards, picking up the heart and bomb along the way. Crawl along under the blocks and take the ladder up to the top, nabbing your fourth and fifth stars along the way. Before getting the final star below you, you can head into the warp door for a free life if you want, but you have to walk back up the majority of this stage. Either way, avoid the final witch, get the final star and your door key.
Stage Eleven
- Stars: 4
- Time limit: 400 Seconds
- Password: WGRD
Head down the ladder to your right, and go down the double ladder to your left. From here, take the left ladder down to a bomb and start digging, avoiding the cannon fire until you’re down at least one layer. Grab the heart and then the key that you came down here for. Go back up two ladders, avoiding or bombing the monster walking around up here, and use the key on the first gate. Go right for another key, and then head left. Take the far ladder down as the middle one will leave you in the drink, and pick up your first star. Continue down, being careful again of the water, to pick up a clock and another bomb. Move back to the gate you opened and head right to open a second one.
Use your bomb on the enemy here and head left, to find a big pile of blocks to break through. There’s a heart and a bomb here, and a key if you dig far enough. Take the warp right next to the key which takes you right next to the gate the key opens up. Do so, and head down the rocky section, bombing the enemy along the way. Crawl along the bottom for another bomb and another key, and keep crawling into a hidden warp, which is the only way out of this area. Move upwards and drop a bomb for the monster coming down towards you. Keep going to reach another warp door, which takes you back to the very start of the map. Open the final gate and crawl across to pick up your second, third and final star of the map, as well as the door key. Go right to finish the stage.
Stage Twelve
- Stars: 19
- Time limit: 350 Seconds
- Password: TCMF
Your largest star count yet, start by burning through the ice to pick up your first three stars. Break one more and go down the ladder. Go left for your fourth star, and burn through the blocks to your right for two keys. Head down the ladder and drop down to the bottom, picking up three additional stars to the left. Go back up, either by ladder or crystal, and open the gate with the X key and your eighth star. Go through the warp to make your way back to the beginning. Go right and burn the left and right blocks away above the opening, and crawl down to grab your ninth and tenth stars. Burning the middle block drops you into a hidden warp, back down to where you just were. Use your circle key to drop the gate above the pit of fire, the warp gate down there doesn’t help you. Go down first, avoiding the witch and picking up another star, then go up.
Crawl under the blocks to get a bomb, a heart, and a star, and drop down. Jump over the crystal and bomb the witch to move on, and jump from left to right instead of just falling down, which would leave you in some fire. Burn through the block for your thirteenth star, and head right. One of the blocks will fall, but not until you’ve already walked under it, and some spikes will shoot out of another. Jump the crystal and the witch, and watch out for spikes coming for you from the ground. There’s one set right after the crystal you’re jumping, and another about four blocks away from the second crystal. There’s also a couple of blocks that will fall your way. Go up and find a star and a free life, but don’t take the warp. Head left for your fifteenth star, and go left to the pile of bricks. The giant crystal here doesn’t do anything, so it’s not necessary to jump it. The final four stars, and your door key, are hidden in the two blocks on the bottom left and bottom right of the pile. Go through the door to finish the stage.
Stage Thirteen
- Stars: 11
- Time limit: 600 Seconds
- Password: RBCN
Drop down for the obvious first star, and then head left. Jump the three pits of fire, head down the ladder, and burn through the leftmost block of the bottom layer to get a heart. Jump across for a key, and climb all the way down the ladder. Dropping down the side drops you in some water. Pick up the star and take the warp. Pick up the third star before you dig your way down. There’s a bomb at the bottom, which is the only reward you’re going to get as all twenty of the blocks are empty. Take the warp and start off across the bridge, bombing the monster on the other side. Go down and head all the way right for a bomb, breaking through some blocks along the way to pick up the other bomb and your fourth star. Burn through the right chunk of blocks and drop down, avoiding the witch. You can burn through some more blocks for the fifth star.
Head down the ladder for a heart, and go left, using your bombs on whatever happens to get in front of you. The sixth star is buried in this section, and you can go left for another bomb as well. Don’t take the warp, as it will take you all the way back to the start. Go right and burn into the open section for your seventh star, and go right to the first ladder you see. Climb up and go right, and burn into another hole for your eighth star. Pick it up and head right. You should have the circle to use on the pulley, so head inside. Jump around the two witches and burn your way to the ninth star and an arrow key. Head back out and go up the first ladder you come across. All the way to the top leads you to a room with water on the bottom, a heart, and your final two stars, giving you the door key. Head left, back towards the warp gate I told you not to take, and bust through the ground to find another pulley. Use your key and enter the door to finish this stage.
Stage Fourteen
- Stars: 40
- Time limit: 280 Seconds
- Password: NBMF
Forty stars, and only 280 seconds? This looks like the toughest stage by far, but it’s actually rather easy. It’s just running around, picking up easily visible stars while avoiding a bunch of monsters. Start by dropping down for a bomb and head up. Pick up the two stars you see, head up and pick up two more, head down for two more, and keep going down the stairs for two more. Head all the way up the ladder to increase your count to ten, and then go left. Pick up two more stars and the heart, and jump across to make the monster, or monsters, fall in the hole if any of them are following you. Then, jump back and nab those other two stars. Keep going left for two more stars, and go down the ladder if you can. If not, jump across and wait for the monsters to pass and then go back and down the ladde
Go to the top left corner to pick up four more stars, bringing you to twenty and half of the stars on the map. If you get stuck here, you can try to bomb your way out or just eat some damage. Head down for one more star, down for another star, and down some more for another lone star. Go down the final ladder for five more stars and a heart. Back up the same ladder, go right for another three stars, bringing you up to thirty-one. Go right some more for an extra life, head up the ladder and go left, going down the first ladder you reach. Jump across the gap for another star. Drop down, go down a ladder, and head left for four more stars, bringing you to thirty-six total stars. Continue moving through this area for the final four stars and your door key, which is in the same area.
Stage Fifteen
- Stars: 27
- Time limit: 550 Seconds
- Password: GPBL
Climb up for your first star, and then break through the ground where you started to fall to the second. Break through yet again for your third star, and head left beyond the door. Go down the ladder and head right for a total of three stars, and take the leftmost ladder. Pick up your seventh star in the bottom left corner, and head past the first ladder to the second, and go up it for your next two stars. Go back down the ladder you just came up and head right, picking up your tenth, eleventh and twelfth stars. Head right and burn through to the next star under the ladder, and continue right until you reach the side of the stage, bringing your star total to fifteen. Go up the second ladder from the right, getting yet another three stars.
Continue going up ladders, and pick up one star on the second, third, fourth, and fifth stars, which should bring you up to twenty-two. From the top of the bridge pyramid, climb up a bit of the wall to reach the landing above you and jump to the icy ground. Head right for a heart if you need it, otherwise jump left and get your twenty-third star. Go back down or jump to the left, you need to reach the ladder up against solid ground either way. Continue left and break the block for another star, and go to the top of the left ladder for your twenty-fifth star. The last two stars and your door key are waiting for you one level up and to the right, and once you pick them up jump over to the single ledge to the left. Fall down and break through the ground, and use your key to open the gate. Fall down and the door is just a little to your left.
Stage Sixteen
- Stars: 27
- Time limit: 400 Seconds
- Password: RBCT
Pick up the first star to your left, and dig down through to your second star. Continue digging on the left side to avoid the fire and pick up your third and fourth stars, as well as your fifth star one layer later. After a few more layers, you’re presented with the door to end the stage and two warp doors. Both of them take you back up to the start, so enter whichever one you want. Head right and stay towards the top and you’ll eventually reach two more stars, bringing you up to seven. Fall down the gap for number eight and head left for your ninth star. Go down the ladder a short distance and jump across for a star, and head back to the ladder. Instead of going down, destroy the block next to it and fall on top of a star, and then jump some fire to reach another. Head back up top and move across, going right this time after falling down the gap.
There are two more stars down the ladder next to you, bringing you up to fourteen. Collect them and climb back up. Jump across and grab the ladder and climb all the way to the top. Jump over the fire and the two witches, and crawl the rest of the way as there are some spikes that will try and take you out. You get two stars and a heart, which you may want to use after you make your way back to the ladder. Go down the ladder and grab the seventeenth star right in front of you, and fall off the ledge to land next to another heart. Go down the ladder and grab the eighteenth and nineteenth stars. Keep going right and go down the sole ladder to reach another star, and go across the fire to reach another two. Climb the long ladder and jump over the crystal, which teleports you back to the very start. Dig around the crystal to reach a star, a heart, and a key, and eventually fall down into a section with your final four stars and the door key. Use the key to open the gate from the right side, climb back up the ladder and take the crystal back to the start. Dig back down to the door to finish the stage.
Stage Seventeen
- Stars: 7
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: RCNG
A monster comes right after you the second the stage starts, don’t bother jumping over him as the only thing over there is the door. You can jump him to let him get in front of you instead of trying to outrun him. Either way, climb the ladder up past two cannons and destroy the brick guarding the first star. Continue climbing past the third cannon until you reach the icy landing. Jump across it to get your second star, and fall off the edge to the left. Dig a short way down here for your third star and a bomb, which you can use on the monster to your immediate right. Continue right until you see a free life buried, go ahead and dig it up. During this you should see a heart down there as well, so head towards that next. Once you reach it, jump left into the open space and dig straight down for your fourth star. After that, crawl over and down for your fifth and sixth stars, then continue by crawling to the right. This leads to your final star and the door key. Just dig through the bottom and go right.
Stage Eighteen
- Stars: 12
- Time limit: 500 Seconds
- Password: FCRF
First, go right and jump over the witch to pick up an early bomb. Jump back over the witch and take the ladder to the upper left for a second bomb and your first star. Be careful of the ceiling here as a block will fall down. Go back right and climb up the other ladder for your second star. Go down the stairs and to the right. Over the pit of fire is your third star as well as a cannon, so time your jump so you don’t get blown up. Go down the ladder and break the left bricks to make your way into the next star and a warp door. It takes you right back outside, next to the blocks. Continue right, and go ahead and use your two bombs on two of the three witches here since another pair are buried right below you. Break open the blocks to pick up the bombs and your fifth and sixth stars.
Continue on and dig out the next two stars as well. Go up the ladder to your left and dig through to the potion, then jump over to the ladder and take it up. At the top, move over and let the two blocks fall so you can safely cross the fire to your ninth star, and then head down to the icy floor. Don’t slide into the water. Go right and into the crawlspace for a heart, and then head down and dig out your next two stars. Go back up the ladder and head right, crawling at first to avoid some spikes, and then climb up to reach a key. Jump over the warp door to pick up a free life, and then ride it over to the left. Climb up to the ladder and cross the bridge, keep moving so you don’t fall through the broken part of it. Jump and climb the wall again, up and over the tall ledge, and be careful of the witch when you fall. Use the key on the pulley to reach your final star and the door key.
Stage Nineteen
- Stars: 11
- Time limit: 300 Seconds
- Password: YBRD
Move left, ignoring the first two sets of blocks. Jump the enemy and break the middle block of the third set for your first star, and the left block of the final set for a bomb. Head over and dig down to the second bomb, but don’t break the block out from under it. Instead, break the one to the left so you don’t fall into the fire. Jump the fire and go right to collect your second star, and a little further in you can crawl to your third. Head back to the fire and dig down to a third bomb. Jump out of this space and use one of the bombs on the monster around here, and then take the ladder. Dig through the blocks here for a heart and two more stars to the right, and when you dig through the bottom beware of a cannon to your right. Crawl to avoid getting hit not only by it but some spikes coming up.
Climb the ladder for your sixth star, and destroy the lone block to pick up a key. Head down and right, and jump three blocks out to avoid landing in more fire. Jump left and break the first block to get a star and jump over the block directly next to it to avoid some spikes and pick up the eighth and ninth stars. Continue by going right over the fire and picking up the tenth star, and keep going right. Avoid the falling block and the wandering enemy and head up the ladder. There’s a cannon on both sides of you this time, the one on the left at your level and the one on the right, one block up. Go right and jump up to collect the extra life, and then go left and jump onto the ladder and use your key to lower the gate. Jump over the space right under the ladder as it’s broken and will drop you right into the cannon’s path, and collect the star. The block above you will fall down, avoid it, and go up the ladder to finish the stage.
Stage Twenty
- Stars: 8
- Time limit: 70 Seconds
- Password: SGNG
Not a lot of time to tackle this stage with, but don’t worry as it’s the easiest stage in the game. Jump towards the extra life to pick it up to avoid some spikes. This is pretty much how you need to approach the entire stage. Just keep moving right, jumping all the way, and it’s a straight path to all eight stars. There’s a handful of spikes and one enemy, but as long as you just keep jumping you’ll have to get rather unlucky to die before you reach the door.
Stage Twenty One
- Stars: 10
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: GGLD
Head right and jump both of the enemies waiting here for you to pick up a bomb. Use it on the monster that’s going to be coming up the ladder any second. Take the ladder down and pick up the first two stars in here. The pile of blocks here contains nothing, so move on down the next ladder. The left block in the middle row of the blocks here contains a key, so pick it up and go left for your third star, avoiding the enemy here, and then head down the ladder some more. Go right, ignoring the blocks here and jumping over any of the cannonballs. Head up the long ladder, and go right to open up the arrow gate. Down here you can pick up a heart in the fourth block from the left of the second line of blocks, so get it and dig the rest of the way through. Proceed down for your next star and crawl out, dropping straight down to avoid the fire.
Continue on to dig out the next two stars which are in plain sight, and move left. Dig around here and make your way to the block right on top of the left-most piece of solid ground to get an extra life. Keep going down and try to drop through the middle space of the five blocks to avoid landing in the flames, and head right. Jump off of the edge instead of falling, or you’ll fall right into cannon fire, and jump over the two standard enemies here. Jump over the monster and leave a bomb for him, and then head down to pick up another three stars. Go up the ladder now, eventually reaching another key. Take it up the ladder again, reaching the door that you’re not able to open yet. Instead, take the warp and it will deliver you right next to the gate for that key you just grabbed. Open it up and head down, picking up your final star and the door key. From here, just retrace your steps back to the door.
Stage Twenty Two
- Stars: 12
- Time limit: 130 Seconds
- Password: LBMP
Head left to pick up your first star while avoiding the cannon and the spikes that shoot out below where you’ll probably jump. Break through the blocks for a bomb, and pick up the free life hidden inside the left-most block. Head right and pick up the star that’s opposite the bomb. Continue right past the next cannon and break the blocks here for your third star, and head back to the previous pile of blocks. From here, fall down the right side of the wall and land on the icy blocks, taking the first section down. Collect the two stars down here, and if you dug yourself down in a way that you can’t jump out take a swim and walk to the right and you’ll warp out. From here you can climb up to another warp door, which takes you back to the original blocks. Drop right again, but jump over the first hole and get the sixth star, and then break through the lone block in the floor.
From here, destroy both of the left blocks on the top row, and the middle two blocks in the opening of the second row to reach your seventh star. Go back up and wait for the blocks to regenerate, using the clock you picked up from that lone block if you want to, and burn the top two blocks again. Now, destroy the two below them and then the one on the left to crawl down to the key. Keep crawling right for another star, and drop down to the icy ground. Jump over the enemy and into the small section to the right for your ninth star, and then head up the ladder and use the key you just acquired. Pick up the star and go through the warp, and then drop left this time. Take the first hole down for the final two stars and a door key, and then break through the ground. Head over and take the warp door again and drop left one final time. Jump over the first hole and drop down, jump over the enemy and enter the door.
Stage Twenty Three
- Stars: 22
- Time limit: 80 Seconds
- Password: TWCN
Look at those numbers, less than four seconds per star? Pick up the bomb and go right for your first star. Burn through the blocks up ahead, the bottom left one contains a key. Continue right and use the key to pick up an extra life, and walk under the three falling blocks. Go up the ladder and go right for two more stars, and then jump onto the ladders. There’s a heart and a grand total of eleven stars here, bringing you up to fourteen total. Climb the ladder and jump on the blocks going right for a heart and two stars, and then pick up the key, all while avoiding the cannon. Jump the cannon and grab the key above the gate, and drop the gate with the first one. Jump along the blocks over the sea of fire, picking up five stars along the way. Open the third gate and grab your final star and the door key, and exit the stage.
Stage Twenty Four
- Stars: 14
- Time limit: 80 Seconds
- Password: FDSF
They sure like these short, quick stages all of a sudden. Burn the four blocks to pick up a heart, a clock, and two stars. Go ahead and use the clock, and wait for the monster to come over and fall in the hole you created. Ignore the warp doors for now and keep digging out the items, including a bomb and five stars, bringing you up to seven. Go back and take the first warp door, which takes you to a room with two stars and another warp. Destroy the blocks while moving right so you can safely pick up both stars and take the door without waiting for anything to regenerate. Up here, grab the bomb, the free life, the potion, and both of the stars, and then drop back down the middle. This time take the right warp, which for me always dropped me right next to a witch so deal with that whatever way you want. Grab the bomb, the key, your final three stars, and the door key. Jump down onto the platform to avoid having to take the final warp door and use the key to create a path to walk across.
Stage Twenty Five
- Stars: 4
- Time limit: 200 Seconds
- Password: SPGT
Just the opposite now, lots of time and few stars. Head left, jumping the crystal and the witch, and head up the ladder. Break the block for a potion, jump the witch and start breaking the blocks. You’ll reach a key and your first star. Go back around and head up, jumping across the pools of water to reach a gate for your key. Go up and right, jumping over the crystal and eventually the witch, and break the middle block to pick up a heart. Now go back and jump up the blocks to the top left, and take the ladder. Go right and jump over the water, there’s a cannon here but as long as you don’t fall in the water it should never fire at you. Head up and start breaking the blocks, and crawl through and jump over the gap. Break the single brick and crawl through some more, and pick up a heart and your second star. Walk up against the left wall to teleport to another room, and pick up the key, the potion, two stars, and the door key. Break the right block and fall through for a free life, and headway back up to the pile of blocks at the top. Head left from here and drop the gate to walk across into another hidden warp, which takes you to the exit.
Stage Twenty Six
- Stars: 12
- Time limit: 100 Seconds
- Password: NFWS
Walk forward to pick up the first star right in front of you. Climb the ladder that’s flanked with cannons to reach your second star, and continue up for a free life. Continue right to find a large pile of blocks, with four stars and a bomb buried towards the surface. After digging them up, continue digging below the rightmost star to find a hole and drop through it. Bomb the enemy coming towards you and pick up your eighth and ninth stars. Drop down and wait for the blocks to fall to make it safely across the fire and pick up the tenth star, and then drop down for the eleventh star. Open the gate, pick up the key and walk over to use it on the next gate. Walk over the gate to teleport down to your final star and the door key, and then teleport back up. You’d think that you would need to retrace all of your steps, but instead just walk over to the door and jump over the spot that warped you. You should land safely on the other side and can walk to the door.
Stage Twenty Seven
- Stars: 13
- Time limit: 160 Seconds
- Password: RGSF
Head up the first ladder and break the blocks to pick up the first two stars. Jump over to the next section and burn your way down to the third star, and then jump over to the third section. There’s a total of six stars on this section, and you should notice a monster falling off the edge of the next one. Follow him back up the ladder and grab the potion, and then continue right. Climb up and over and break through that side, picking up the heart hidden inside. Keep breaking the blocks and crawl right, going up the ladder for your tenth star. Head left, jumping the enemy and taking the ladder up. Cross over the blocks and burn through to get the arrow key, and then head right. Use your key and break through the blocks to pick up your eleventh star, and after waiting for the blocks to regenerate break through them again to pick up the key and move on up the ladder. Take the warp over and open the gate and crawl out, avoiding the enemy. Crawl under the final two stars and grab them from the other side, and then exit through the door.
Stage Twenty Eight
- Stars: 10
- Time limit: 120 Seconds
- Password: RBCF
Go left, jumping over the fireball to pick up your first two stars. Continue up and right, jumping over to your third star, and go up the two ladders. Jump over for another star and a key, and avoid the witch walking around to the left. Continue up two more ladders, picking up a heart and avoiding the cannon fire as well. Use your key to open the gate, and break the blocks from the left over to pick up a key, a free life, and a star, and crawl under the remaining blocks to grab a second star. Go left and use the key to open the gate, and drop down for three stars. Go back up to the right and drop down, and jump over the fireball and the warp crystal to find your final star and the door key. Go up the ladders above you to reach the door.
Stage Twenty Nine
- Stars: 12
- Time limit: 150 Seconds
- Password: DCSK
Head left for your first star, and pick up the bomb at the top of the ladder. Go back to the start and break the bricks here to reach two stars and a key, avoiding the cannon while doing so, and head up the ladder. Go left and break the blocks to find a star, a heart, and a free life, and then go back up the ladder. Go right over the icy ground, and either bomb or jump the enemy. Drop the gate and crawl to get the fifth star, and then go up the ladder and head left. Break your sixth star open, and then head left off of the ledge. Crawl under the plus sign platform and then grab the four stars right here, and then head left. Jump over the enemy and climb up the wall for the eleventh star, and then head down and to the left towards the start of the stage. Right before the door, climb up the wall to reach your final star and the door key.
Stage Thirty
- Stars: 13
- Time limit: 150 Seconds
- Password: HBCR
Start the stage by breaking the three blocks on the right of the top four, and then the three that were directly under them for a key and a star. After that, you can also dig up a potion in the bottom right corner if you wish. Go left and use the key to open up the gate, and fall down. Skate along the icy ground to pick up the second star, and wait to jump an incoming cannonball. Take the ladder up and over the fire, and skate along some more for a heart and your third star. Go halfway up the ladder and go right, picking up a star, a key, and another star, and then head up the floating blocks for a third and fourth star.
Burn the left block here to use your key and drop the gate, and break the blocks over here to pick up a bomb, a free life, and your eighth star. Head back up towards the second gate and go up the ladder this time. Take the right path first, grab the star and the bomb and head a little bit further to find a heart. Now go back and take the left path, and break the block. Fall down to make the hanging block fall down, and use it to cross the water for your tenth star. Climb up for the heart and a star, and then start crossing the water. Your final two stars and the door key are straight ahead, along with a monster for you to take out and a pair of broken spots on the bridge.
Stage Thirty One
- Stars: 14
- Time limit: 150 Seconds
- Password: JBZZ
Pick up the bomb right next to you, and start breaking the blocks below your feet. The second block on the bottom row contains a star, and the fourth on the bottom row contains a heart. Go for the star first, and fall down through the gap you made. Head left for a second bomb, you should have a monster or two chasing after you to use them on already. Climb up the closest ladder and crawl for your second star. The bottom right brick on this section contains your third star. Go to the right ladder now and climb it, breaking through to your fourth star. The bottom left and right bricks here both contain stars, so dig them out.
Go down the ladder and start digging here. In addition to the visible star, there’s a star in the first and fifth blocks of the third row, and the second block on the bottom row contains a heart. Go to the left set of bricks just like this one, and start breaking them as well. The fourth block of the second row contains your tenth star, the fifth block on the third row has your eleventh, and your twelfth star is visible in the corner. The opposite corner contains a heart, and the middle block on the bottom row contains a free life. Now head up the middle ladder to the very top, and dig your final two stars and the door key out, one star located in each row. To reach the door, head to the top right cluster of blocks and climb the wall a short way.
Stage Thirty Two
- Stars: 13
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: GBMF
Start by going down the ladder to pick up the X key. Use it on the pulley and take the first ladder down to that bomb you saw and your first star, and then go back to the pulley. Head up for the arrow key and your second star, bombing the monster along the way. Don’t break that block yet, head right and pick up both of the stars in this room, and try not to get hit by the cannon. There’s a jumble of bricks in here with a bomb and three stars pretty easily available, grab them and take the ladder at the bottom. Dig down here for your eighth star and a key, as well as a free life in the block right above the one in the bottom left corner. You’ll be warped back above when you grab the key, so make your way back down and use it on the pulley, bombing the witch if she starts coming towards you right away.
Pick up the X key and the circle key, and then take the warp door at the end of the hallway. Head down the ladder and go right, jumping the witch when she comes along. Use the arrow key and go up to get a bomb, skipping the warp door. Go up and use the two keys to open the first set of pulleys, bombing the witch in the middle. Head left to pick up a cache of treasure, two bombs, a star, and one each of all three key varieties. Head back and go up, opening up the second set of pulleys and bombing the two witches in between. Pick up the two stars and take the warp door in front of you. Jump over for the bomb, and come back and break the lone block to pick up your next star. Drop down and grab a second bomb. Dig the two keys out and make your way down to pick up the thirteenth and final star. Open another two pulleys, and bomb another two witches, and then take the ladders up to the exit.
Stage Thirty Three
- Stars: 12
- Time limit: 130 Seconds
- Password: HGLD
The blocks you start on top of are all empty, so pick up the bomb and the same thing applies for the second floor. Pick the bomb up, use it to kill the enemy, and drop down to the third. The same thing applies here, drop a bomb, kill the enemy, pick up a replacement bomb. Only now do you finally get a pair of stars. The fourth level contains the same as the above, but two bombs and one star. Finally, exit out of this repetitive section to the left and pick up another bomb and your fourth star. Head left and jump over the fire, and you might as well use one of those bombs to kill the enemy. There are two stars at the end, pick them up and head back to the ladder. Go up the ladder and jump to the right for two stars, and go left for two potions and a heart. Your inventory might be too full to pick all of this up by now. Go up the ladder and avoid the two cannons. Up one more level, you have an enemy you may as well kill, and the next level up has two more cannons. Your ninth and tenth stars are atop the two cannons, grab them and continue up the next ladder. Head left and go down the next two ladders to pick up your final two stars and the door key, which is located under the blocks to your right.
Stage Thirty Four
- Stars: 10
- Time limit: 200 Seconds
- Password: BCRD
Pick up the star to your right and drop down off the ladder. You’ll land next to a key, pick it up and use it on the pulley to the right, as the one on the left just rewards you with the same key again. Go up the first ladder and jump right. Break the blocks and crawl into the middle space. From here, go up and around to pick up a star, and crawl to the middle again to get out of here. Head up the next ladder and break the blocks, grabbing the potion and making your way up the ladder to your right. Watch out for the cannon to your right when you get to the top, and go left to pick up your third star.
Continue right and break the lone block to get your fourth star, and then go up and over the wall to get your next one. Start breaking these blocks, none of them contain anything to pick up and head down the ladder at the bottom. The next pile of blocks contains two stars and a key, and once you reach the bottom of these bricks you’ll get another two stars. Break through all of these blocks and crawl to the left, and start maneuvering through the ladders to reach your final star and the door key. Head up the ladder and crawl left, and when you come out jump over the witch walking around. Keep going left and use your key on the pulley, and go down the ladder. Walk right, all the while avoiding spikes from the bottom, to reach the exit.
Stage Thirty Five
- Stars: 24
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: DGLL
Start by skipping the first pile of blocks and go down either hole to the left of them, they lead to the same place. The middle block of the third row down here contains a free life, pick it up and crawl right for your first two stars. Crawl back and go left this time, up the ladder and climb the wall for your third star. Jump across for the fourth star and continue left, crossing over the still locked gate. Stand on the right cannon and jump to the left to dodge both of the cannonballs that are going to come your way, and break through the blocks to reach your fifth star. After breaking through the next single layer, you have two sets of two-layer blocks right next to each other, so make sure you break a long row of blocks to start with so you have room to break through the second set and grab the sixth star on the right side in between the rows. Once you’re at the bottom, take the bomb and move right, and break the lone block to get a key.
Continue down and drop down for your seventh star, and then jump back to the ladder and go left for another three stars. The single block above the warp contains a star as well, so pick it up and head on through. Go back up and over the water to reach the previous gate, and open it up with your key. Drop down for a star, and break through all but the bottom layer of blocks. Crawl right for your thirteenth star, and then break the last brick and drop down. Head towards the next set of bricks, breaking them from the left to reach your next star. Break a block or two and head right for your fifteenth star, and continue down to reach a set of two ladders. Take the right ladder and break through the blocks to reach your sixteenth star, and crawl right to reach the short ladder. The block on the left next to the ladder contains another star, grab it and smash through the blocks and then take the warp door. None of the other ladders in that section lead anywhere new. Head right for your final seven stars and the door key, which is direct to the left of the stars.
Stage Thirty Six
- Stars: 6
- Time limit: 99 Seconds
- Password: WGRM
An even 100 seconds apparently is too much time, but to be honest 99 seconds is way too much as well. Jump around on the blocks, which are floating in the air above pits of fire, and collect five of the six stars. Immediately to the right of these blocks is your final star and the door key below a single block, and after you pick it up crawl to the left one space to make a block fall. Head left to finish this incredibly easy stage.
Stage Thirty Seven
- Stars: 23
- Time limit: 200 Seconds
- Password: STBR
Head left and dig out your first star, I like to make a pit to stick the monster in at the same time to try and kill him. Break a block or two to crawl around and pick up stars, there’s two, three, and four on the three rows going from top to bottom, bringing you up to ten already. Your eleventh star is to the right of these lines, just jump off from the second line to pick it up. Drop down to the blocks on the right, there are three stars hidden inside here. The fourth and eighth blocks on the second row and the lone block in the third row hold them, bringing you up to fourteen. Falling through the hole leads to another set of blocks, there’s none hidden inside any of them but there is a visible one you need to pick up. Head left, for now, jumping over the first crystal but taking the second one to warp you to the top. Go left and up, jumping over the fire for two more stars. Go all the way down the ladder to the bottom and head right on the icy ground, jumping the fire to reach another two stars.
From here, lead left past the ladder and the witch, jumping the crystal, and pick up a heart and a star. Head up the ladder and fall off towards the water to the left, you’ll land safely next to the solid ground where some of the climbable background is. Pick up the heart and the star and fall into the middle of the water, which warps you to the left to pick up a star and a key. You should be down to two stars now, take the warp door, and head right. Below where all the blocks you had to break through is a gate to open with your new key, do so and pick up the star which should also cause a block to fall above you. Walk across, waiting for the blocks to completely cover the fire along the way, and jump the crystal and the witch for a heart and your final star. Now take the crystal and head left, jumping over both of the crystals you come across before the long ladder. Jump over the crystal right to the left of the ladder as well, and go to the crystal to the very left of the stage, which will teleport you right in front of the door.
Stage Thirty Eight
- Stars: 18
- Time limit: 55 Seconds
- Password: CRGN
The shortest amount of time we’ve seen yet, head right and break a single block to trap the upcoming monster and kill him, and then jump up to the ladder above you, picking up your first star and a heart. Jump over the fire below you to get your second star, and break some blocks so you can head down below. Continue left, breaking the lone block to get a key and hopefully trapping a monster at the same time. There are another three stars down here, nothing in the blocks so break through them as quick as you can. Go left and use your key to get the one on the other side, and break some of the bricks here. The first one on the top row mercifully gives you a clock, and all three of the bricks on the bottom contain something. From left to right, there’s a heart, a star, and a free life. I skip breaking the blocks a second time for the heart to save some time.
Continue right, crawling under the fire and breaking the lone block to get a heart here instead, or just go up the ladder and head right if you’re worried about the time. Continue from ladder to ladder, jumping over the small bit of fire and ignoring the blocks for now as they contain nothing. Grab the seventh star and head up dodging the cannonball at the top of the next ladder. Head up and go right, landing safely on the scalable wall and use your key on the pulley. Dig a hole up here and wait for the monster to fall through, and then head right for your eighth star. Fall down the hole you made now, pick up the heart and walk left for a hidden warp. Don’t worry about getting hit by the monster as you should have a couple of hearts by now. Drop down and grab the four visible stars, and if you’re really short on time break the third block first to grab a clock. There’s a lot of items hidden in here, from left to right they contain nothing, a star, a clock, a star, a star, nothing, a star, a star, nothing, and your final star. Head up the two ladders to reach the door to finish the stage.
Stage Thirty Nine
- Stars: 8
- Time limit: 150 Seconds
- Password: ZGGM
Well, that’s a nice place to start a stage from. Fall down to the ground, picking up a bomb along the way. Destroy the block in front of you for an arrow key and crawl to your first star. Jump across the blocks until you get to the wall, you might fall into the water once from the not so precise way jumping works, and then head up and to the left. You’ll grab another star on the ice, and jump to your third a few steps later. Use your key to lower the gate, and then pick up the heart and start jumping up the side. Wait for the enemies to move if they’re in the way and then jump on the blocks. Go break the second block to your right that has empty space under it to keep the enemies away from you for now, and start breaking the blocks starting from the left.
After the first row, switch and start breaking the blocks from the right, which should leave you with a diagonal line of blocks to the left only one block long on each row. You should be able to reach the star without getting trapped this way. Get the star and fall out next to the gate you opened earlier and head back up. From here, climb the wall up to the ladder and take it to mass of bricks. First, dig down to get that first star you see and then head across the top of the brick platform to pick up a bomb and two more stars. From here, go to the part of the blocks that has an enemy walking around in it and break your way in. You want to dig straight down to reach another empty area, and from there you can crawl right to grab your final star and the door key. Head up the ladder to finish the stage.
Stage Forty
- Stars: 28
- Time limit: 130 Seconds
- Password: HFLP
Head left to grab your first star, and then go up to pick up your second and a bomb. Go down the ladder, probably being hit by the cannon along the way, and jump to the left for a bomb. If you walk off the edge you’ll end up in water. Head right and bomb the enemy if he appears where you don’t have room to jump, and go up the ladder for your third star. Head right and grab your fourth star, and then up the ladder to your left. Break the block and drop down for a star, and then climb under the ground to the left of here for your sixth star. Break the left blocks to drop down and get a clock and two more stars, and then climb back out and wait for the blocks to regenerate. Break the right blocks now to pick up a free life and head back to the ladder.
Go right and pass up the blocks, heading down the ladder. When you can fall to the left, do so to safely land next to your ninth star. Now head back up and get to smashing blocks. You’ll find a bomb at the very bottom, take it and start crawling to the left. Pick up the tenth star here and continue left, grabbing the heart in front of you. Before going in the warp, break the four blocks down there for four more stars, bringing you to half of your total. Take the warp, grab your fifteenth star and then take the next warp. You’re back at the ladder now, go all the way to the top of the ladder, and don’t bother trying to avoid the cannon. Break the brick and head right with your heart and sixteenth star, eventually finding your way to the icy ground.
Slide down it and break the lone brick for a key, and then pick up the heart and the star. If your health is low, use a heart now because you’re going to have to take a dip. Walk through the water until you reach the treasure, a bomb, a heart, and two more stars. Now take another dip in the water and go right, and when you get out use your key to drop the bridge. Continue for your twentieth star and take the warp. Go up to get two more stars and a bomb if you have the room, and then jump across the blocks for two more stars and an X key. You have to make room for the key if you have too much stuff, drop a bomb, and fill your health up. With full health, just drop down in front of the cannons, and go left. All four of the remaining stars, as well as the door key, are right in front of you. Go left to use your X key and reach the exit door.
Stage Forty One
- Stars: 13
- Time limit: 100 Seconds
- Password: CTRL
Pick up the star in the hole, and then break the block and fall down. You’ll land next to your second star, and break the left block to fall into the warp. Grab the clock and use it before breaking the block, and fall onto the pile below you. The bottom left corner contains a star, as well as the space five blocks over from it. Pick them up and head right, jumping over the fire and breaking through for your fifth star. Head up both of the ladders and fall off the top one for a star and a heart. Climb back up and go over to the left large set of blocks. You need to break the blocks against the right side so you fall into the correct hidden warp to pick up those other two stars next to the ladder.
After, head back up the ladders and break through the right set, doesn’t matter where, and grab the two stars down here. Head left and walk past the door to warp back to the start. Head up again to the first set of blocks, this time you want to make sure you fall through the hole exactly one spot to the left of the one you fell through last time. You’ll land safely at the bottom, able to pick up a clock and your final three stars. You’ll probably be needing the clock, so use it and jump left to plummet over by the ladders again. To finish the stage, go up top and smash through the right set of blocks again, going left when you reach the bottom.
Stage Forty Two
- Stars: 21
- Time limit: 100 Seconds
- Password: FMHX
Head left first to pick up a clock and then break through the floor. Break through the second block from the left to get your first star, as well as your second right after, and then break the block up against the left wall to reach your third. From here, destroy the left bricks to reach your fourth and fifth stars, and then break the bricks here to the right. There are six bricks to the right of the warp door and the block in the middle of the bottom row has another clock. After grabbing it, head through the warp door. Go left again and break all three blocks up against the left wall, but when you reach the two blocks down here go down the right side this time. There are no stars down here but there is yet another clock. Go through the warp and head left yet again. On the second level, destroy the third block from the left for your sixth star, and then grab your seventh right below.
Break through the lone block and fall into your eighth star, and then break the block right next to you to fall to your ninth. To get your tenth, break through the blocks to the left side, it’s hidden in the third row. Break through to the right side and grab the eleventh star and warp to the top again. You know the drill, head left, and go through to the second level. This time go right and destroy the third or fourth block here, and then drop down one more level. This time you need to go through the right chunk of blocks. Break the block hanging in front of you so you can reach the twelfth star. Head up and right to grab another star, and then go down. In the group of eight blocks here you can find another clock in the bottom left block, grab it and warp up. Hey! We get to go right this time!
Break the far right block and then either of the two closest to you to pick up your fourteenth star. Break the lone block here to reach another star, and then break the second block out of the five possible blocks you can break here to get your sixteenth. Break through the rest of the way for another star, and then break through another level for your eighteenth star. Take the warp back to the start and go right to the second level again. Go left and break the furthest block to get a star, and then pick up your twentieth star and a clock. Break this last block to reach the final star and your door key. Break through and head down to reach one last warp. Now, to try and remember where that damn door was! Head left and drop down one level, and then go and break through either the third or fourth block. From here, break the single block and then break the next single block you land next to. Break through the pile of blocks here to finally end this annoying stage.
Stage Forty Three
- Stars: 48
- Time limit: 80 Seconds
- Password: PCGR
Those sure don’t seem like favorable numbers for you. Less than two seconds per star, we’re going to need some clocks or some large star caches. Pick up the first two stars on this level, and then go down the ladder for two more. Jump the witch and the monster down here, and go down a third level for a bomb and another two stars. There are four stars buried in the top row inside the second, sixth, ninth, and thirteenth blocks. There are another two stars in the bottom row, inside the fourth and eleventh blocks. The eights block in the bottom row also contains a much-needed clock. Use the clock and head back to the top and take the right warp door.
This section is almost identical to the one you were just in, two stars on each of the three floors, but this time there’s a heart in addition the bomb on the bottom floor. There are still four more stars in the second, sixth, ninth and thirteenth blocks on the top row as well as two in the fourth and eleventh in the second row. This time the clock is in the seventh block of the bottom row, making this section a mirror image of the one you were just in. This makes half of your stars, who wants to bet that there are two more mirrored rooms to finish this stage off? Take either warp door, they both lead back to the original room, and head left now through the other warp door.
This takes you to the bottom right room, which has another two stars on each floor as well as a bomb on the third floor. For a third time, dig out stars under the second, sixth, ninth, and thirteenth stars on the first row and stars under the fourth and eleventh in the second row, but this time there’s a free life under the seventh block of the second row. Down to twelve stars, head up and take the left warp door. For the final time, grab the six total stars on the three different floors as well as a heart and a bomb on the bottom. Also for the final time, pick up the four stars under the second, sixth, ninth, and thirteenth blocks buried in the first row and from under the fourth and eleventh in the second row. There’s a clock in the eighth block of the second row but by now you shouldn’t need it. The exit door is in the top left of this room.
Stage Forty Four
- Stars: 25
- Time limit: 300 Seconds
- Password: LGSK
Head right until you reach the far wall, picking up the three stars along the way. Go down the ladder and pick up the two stars down here, and head back to the very start. Drop down and grab the two stars down here, try and trap the monster and kill it with a regenerating brick if you can, but don’t bother spending too much time here. Break the right set of bricks to find a star in the bottom right, and then go to the left set of bricks to find your ninth star in the bottom left. Break through the middle section and pick up your tenth star and then head right. Smash through the first set of bricks to pick up a hidden heart and crawl right for your next star. Crawl back and forth and when you come to the warp-gate keep crawling right to go around for your twelfth star.
Take the warp and dig through the right set of blocks, picking up another heart hidden in the bottom block. Jump over the fire to your right for your next star and then take the warp door to the left. Now break through the blocks in the middle, this time grabbing the hidden key in the bottom block. I don’t see a way to avoid the cannons but you do have two hearts so they shouldn’t matter. You’ll land on your fourteenth heart, from here break through the right side of blocks. Fall through and go left for your next star, and then head right up the stairs. Pick up the two stars and take the warp door back up, and smash through the blocks again. After getting hit by the cannons a second time, go through the left chunk of bricks and head left.
You need to smash the bricks and grab the star in the bottom right of these blocks and be quick about it because you can trap yourself down here just waiting for the blocks to kill you. Go left, using the key to drop the gate and grab your nineteenth star and then take the warp door to reach the final area of this stage. The blocks below you are four rows deep. The final six stars are all inside the third row of blocks, don’t break through to the bottom because the only thing you can find down there is another large pile of blocks with a free life in the bottom right corner, which really isn’t worth your time unless you have a lot of it. Head up to reach the final door, and don’t take the warp door because it takes you to a T-shaped area way back towards the start.
Stage Forty Five
- Stars: 11
- Time limit: 150 Seconds
- Password: RPPY
Head up the ladder right next to you and jump over the monster. The first block on the second row contains a bomb, and you can pick up your first star to the right. Grab it and head back down the ladder. Go right and pick up another bomb, feel free to use them whenever you want to take care of some of these monsters, as well as two more stars. Keep going right for a hidden warp, taking you to your fourth star. The fifth star is in the third block in the second row, grab it and go right for another hidden warp. Break the left block for a heart and grab your sixth star, and then head down the stairs to your right.
Head over the ice for your seventh star, and then climb the wall and jump over into the space to warp again, this time taking you to your eighth star. Jump into the obviously hidden warp in this room to head back to the first room I had you go to. Go back down the ladder and head left, and go up the ladder to grab the two visible stars. In the jumble of bricks to your left, the seventh block from the left of the bottom row contains a clock and the second block on the same row contains your final star and the door key. Go up and right and crawl into the corridor that contains a witch with no room to jump over it. Either bomb it or just take the hit. Grab the free life to the right of the door and finish the stage.
Stage Forty Six
- Stars: 13
- Time limit: 230 Seconds
- Password: NPTF
Go left and fall down all the way to the bottom, and head right for your first star. Go left past the ladder and break the middle block for your second star, and then climb the ladder to the very top. The second block on the bottom row contains your third star, and then go right and jump over the gap. The block on the left edge contains a potion, pick it up and go right. The block on the bottom left here contains your fourth star, and you can get your sixth by going up the right wall. Now go back to the left, jumping over the gap and going down the ladder. When you reach the rocky ground, get off on solid ground and jump out to the right. You should land on the climbable wall, go right and make sure to jump over the gap. Even though there’s no solid ground you can still tell what parts of the wall you can and can’t walk across. After you get back on solid ground, jump up for the heart and head down.
The bottom left block contains a clock, grab it and then break through the fifth block of the second row for your sixth star. Wait for the blocks to regenerate and then break them to the right to get your seventh star. Make sure you break the blocks instead of crawling otherwise you’ll get stuck down there. Now you need to go left back over the invisible ground to the ladder. Go left and head up the next ladder and get off on the first stop. Go right and jump over the gap to end up back where you started, now head right. Go down the ladder and grab the heart to your left, ignore those blocks as there’s nothing in them. Go down the ladder some more and head left onto the blocks. The second block on the bottom row contains a bomb, you can pick it up if you want or just move on if you don’t want to bother, you should have plenty of life with the two hearts you picked up. Head down the ladder and your eighth star is right on your left.
The sixth block on the third row below you contains your ninth star, and the block on the bottom right contains a free life. The star above you was probably intended to be pick up by walking across the invisible ground above you, but you can actually reach it just by jumping up to it. Whoops! Go right and climb up the ladder until you reach some blocks. Get off and grab the clock, and then break the bricks. You have to fall down the left side to reach the eleventh star, and you need to fall off the ladder to reach the twelfth star hidden inside the right block you just broke. Head to the top of the ladder and go left to reach your final star and the door key. Now, head back down the ladder and go back to the left ladder either by going over the invisible ground or just going over the blocks at the bottom. Take the ladder up and head left to arrive back at your original location. Go left and jump over the gap again but this time go up the left ladder. Grab onto the climbable wall and go right, there’s a hidden warp against the far wall which will take you to the exit.
Stage Forty Seven
- Stars: 11
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: MSDP
Pick up your first star right to your left, and continue left. There’s going to be some cannons over here so be ready to jump their shots, and get the second star between two of them. The third star is right to the left of the second one, after grabbing it you have two choices. You can double back to the very first ladder, or you can go up the ladder to your left and crawl under the next section until you reach water. It’s the same distance either way. Once you’re there, attempt to jump over the water. It can be done if you jump at the very edge of the water but odds are you’re going to lose a heart here. Head up the ladder and jump over for your fourth star, and then climb up the next ladder and jump right for your fifth star. Take the warp door to move to the left side of the stage and grab your sixth star, and fall off the left side of the ledge for your seventh star.
Your eight star is right below the next ledge, grab it and fall down and then crawl to the right to reach the ladder flanked by cannons. Climb to the gap in the first two ladders and jump left and right to pick up one star on each side. In the second gap, there’s a free life to your right but you have to have pixel-perfect timing just like the water to reach it. If you don’t get it in a few attempts just go ahead and skip it and continue climbing the ladder. At the top of the ladder, head left for your final star and the door key, which you can reach by entering the warp door to the right of the ladder.
Stage Forty Eight
- Stars: 16
- Time limit: 250 Seconds
- Password: MJCY
Head left for your first star, and then go up and jump over the blocks to reach your second. Next head down the ladder and go left for your third star, and then head down the ladder next to it for another two. Go up the top path to your right, and break the middle brick in the five you come across for your sixth star. Keep going right for your seventh star and head down the ladder for your eighth. Go left, jumping as you go to attempt to avoid the multiple spikes down here, and break the single block to grab your ninth star. Head back to the right and go up the ladder, and then up the ladder to the left of it for a key and your tenth star.
You can get another star here by going left and up the ladder, after you do head back to the right until you reach the twelfth star. Go down the ladder and use your key to open it and fall down the left side to stay out of the water and pick up your thirteenth star. Jump right into the warp, head up the ladder and go right to the fire. Go down here for your fourteenth star, and then take the warp door to reach your final two stars and the door key. Go right and head up the ladder, and then continue to the right. At the end of the ice, jump over the fire and head right, the ladder will take you to the exit. You can destroy the line of blocks to reach the single one, which contains a free life if you want to.
Stage Forty Nine
- Stars: 12
- Time limit: 200 Seconds
- Password: MFHD
Start by breaking the very first block to your right to pick up your first star. From here, head right and start falling down until you reach a block. There’s a set of blocks to your left, the sixth block on the top row and the first in the second row containing stars. The first in the top row also contains a heart. Go back to the right and break the lone brick, and fall down to reach a clock. The single block down here contains your fourth star, walk into the left wall to be transported back to the top of the stage. Head left from here, and don’t break any of the blocks except the one closest to the left wall, to get your fifth star. Fall down and move right, probably taking some damage, and break the two right most blocks here to grab a heart and your sixth star. Head back left, probably taking some more spike damage along the way, and break down into the room with another clock.
Walk to the left to warp down into the bottom right corner. The bottom brick here contains your seventh star, grab it and head into the warp. Head to the right all the way again and fall until you reach the lone block, and then head left. Break down here for your eighth star and head left into a warp, and grab your ninth star by breaking through to the bottom brick again. You can also grab a potion in the second row of blocks. Head into the warp and go right, and break the first set of blocks you come across to fall down. To the right is some climbable wall and a hidden warp, take it to reach your tenth star. The first block on the first row and the last block of the second row contain your final two stars and the door key, grab them and take the warp door back to the start. Head right and break the bricks again, and this time take the climbable wall to your left and reach another hidden warp to reach the exit door and a free life.
Stage Fifty
- Stars: 17
- Time limit: 400 Seconds
- Password: CCNK
Start by going up the ladder to your left, there’s a few cannons on the way up that will try and shoot you. In addition to your first star, there’s a heart that you’re almost assuredly going to need so make sure you pick it up. At the top, there’s another star next to the cannon, grab it and start going right. Your third star is against the wall, pick it up and start smashing blocks. Fall down to pick up the X key, and go right to reach some climbable wall. Climb up it and jump over towards the fourth star as there’s a single gap in it that will drop you in the fire, which is bad for what you’re going to seeing in a minute. Go to the left side and climb up the wall for your fifth star, there’s no space so you can walk right over to it. Break through the blocks and fall down. Now, you need to jump in the water, either side will do, and crawl under the space you’re currently standing on. Your sixth star is in here, you’ll probably take four hearts of damage getting to it so if you don’t have that much use the heart before you go in.
After, take the warp door and start moving back down the ladder, the cannons are a little harder to avoid than they were on the way up. Once you’re at the bottom, use your key on the pulley and head in, jumping the witch when you reach her. There’s another heart in here as well as six total stars, bringing you up to twelve. Grab them and head back to the pulley, and start breaking the blocks to the left. Take the clock and crawl to the right, getting your thirteenth star right after. Keep going right until you reach your fourteenth star, and then head back and take the ladder down. Head left for a star and a key, and then go up the ladder for your sixteenth star. Don’t take the warp door but head back and go right beyond the ladder. Crawl across and use your key on the pulley to reach your final star, the door key and the door.
Stage Fifty One
- Stars: 9
- Time limit: 999 Seconds
- Password: FNDG
Hey, a boss! For starters, don’t break any of the bricks you’re standing on looking for stars, none are in any of them. Also, this guy is the only thing in the game that takes two hearts away in one hit, so beware of that. To win, you need to kill this guy by completely trapping him inside regenerating blocks. This is actually pretty easy to accomplish. First, lure him to one side of the stage. I used the left, it shouldn’t matter though. Once he’s as close as you can get him without taking damage, go up the ladder and reach the top, making sure to figure out what blocks you need to break along the way so you can drop down onto the ledge right above where you just lured him. Make your way to said ledge and he should eventually come up after you, so jump out over to the opposite side you’ve been on and start breaking bricks.
Starting from the top row, you need to break the top four bricks closest to the center platform or furthest from the ladder. Drop down and break the three bricks closest to the center platform in the second row, and you’ll probably get hit by the boss here. You should have enough room to break the three bricks closest to the center on the third row now, and when you do there should be one single brick on the bottom row sticking out farther than the top two rows. You’ll probably get hit a second time here, so you can’t get hit again. The boss will come down towards you in to the pit you just created, make sure you jump up towards the ladder and stand at the bottom of it. The boss should just sit there now, and once he’s completely encased in bricks he’ll kick the bucket. When he does, the nine bricks you trapped him in will turn to stars and you’ll get your door key.
I created a picture below to show what I’m talking about if the explanation isn’t clear enough.

The Ending
Peter will walk out of a warp door and start climbing up a ladder, sprouting an exclamation point when he reaches the top. He’ll start walking to the left and the screen will shift to a single room. Peter will fall down and the enemies will all come out for a second before Peter sucks them back up. You’ll then get a still image of Peter standing in front of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man with END written in the corner.
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