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PvP and Gozer’s Tower are Back Up

Gozer's Tower

Hey Ghostheads! The dev team over at 4:33 came through, and restarted the seasons for both Player vs. Player and Gozer’s Tower!

This means you can resume collecting your daily and weekly mission rewards as well.

Let’s get cracking on both and see what we can do!

PvP should be back on it’s weekly schedule, and Gozer’s Tower back on its’ monthly schedule. That said, because we’ve missed two weeks, there’s only two weeks left for this season of Gozer’s Tower. So get climbing to get those rewards! I know I am.

Just to let you know what I’d been doing during the time that PvP and Tower were down: I spent the time communicating with support as much as I thought was prudent, without harassing them. I asked questions that kind of got them to go off script by asking what they’re doing during the quarantine and all of that. He said that the team there is all working from home now to be safe.

So thank you to the devs for listening to us this time and fixing both PvP and the Tower during this time of uncertainty. (I hope you also took some time to look into some of the other bugs, like the multiplayer bosses and compatibility issues with some android phones.) But otherwise, for this, thanks so much!

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