Update: Both PVP Arena and Gozer’s Tower are back up!
Okay, so I don’t need to repeat the fact that we’re living in times that things are happening in this world unlike anything any of us has ever seen before.
Do your part. Stay home.
That said, here we are… the latest seasons of PVP (weekly resets), and Gozer’s Tower (monthly resets), have yet to be started.
My guess is that the people in charge of activating the new seasons are either self-isolating, are in quarantine, or both. Why they don’t have this run as a CRON so that it automatically resets, I have no idea.
I have reached out to support, who have insisted that the report has already been sent to their development team.
“Heya, Recruit,
Thank you for that information. We already send a report to our devs regarding this issue. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a wonderful day!
Ghostbusters World Support Team” (Josh)
That said, Multiplayer Boss Battles have been down for months.
One thing I do know is this: I think they should either put a person on this that can fix at the very least fix as many bugs in the game as possible and increase the number of phones that it is compatible with as they can, or they should give the game to another game studio to take over and clean things up and move things forward. I suggest Niantic, but Ludia and Ludare both come to mind as companies that could handle it. In fact, Ludare is the company behind the Men in Black: Global Invasion AR game (and it is VERY similar to Ghostbusters World in gameplay).
What do you think? Would you be happy with another game studio picking this game up and fixing things up? What game studio would you like to take over? Let’s discuss!