This is a guide to all 152 spooks, specters and ghosts that you could catch in Ghostbusters World.
We also have a Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ghost List.
You can sort the list by any column, and use the search to quickly sort the list by any field in the table. Examples: If you want to see only Class VII ghosts, type VII into the search box. If you want to see only Fire Element ghosts, type Fire into the search box.
All of the ghosts now have pages where you can see detailed stats. Pictures for all ghosts are coming next, so stay tuned for that, as well as pictures of them in whatever they came from, if they debuted in anything other than this game. If any that debuted here in Ghostbusters World show up in movies, cartoons or comics, we’ll hopefully find out and add a few pictures here. Please comment if it happens!
Class search isn’t perfect, but could be fixed by adding more to that area, like “I (1).” If you would find that helpful, comment about it.
If you would like to sort through other stats like ATK, DEF, HP, etc, we have a Max Stat Ghost List. We also have a Google Sheet here.

List of Ghosts in Ghostbusters World
The Complete Tobin’s Spirit Guide
Collection compiled and completed by MelJ.

Question: Do all ghosts have a description in “Tobin’s Spirit Guide?” Abaia has one, and I’ve seen some others, but never a complete list. Will these be added to the future or is there a website that has them all?
They all do. We are going to add them all to our site in the near future, but wanted to be sure we had all of the other facts included first.