
This spectrally animated weed is the handiwork of the demon Janna, an entity devoted to death and destruction. Though it’s nicknamed the insect trapper, this plant is a carnivorous monster that is aggressive towards all animals — and yes, they will eat you if they get the chance. While the insect trapper isn’t technically a ghost, the psychokinetic energy that animates it can usually be pulled into a ghost trap.

Where did Insect Trapper come from?

Insect Trapper (Ghostbusters on Sega Genesis)

This ghost has it’s origins in the Sega Genesis Ghostbusters video game from 1991. It appears to have been the penultimate boss in the game. It likely was inspired by the Little Shop of Horrors character Audrey II. Bill Murray and Rick Moranis were both in the film, so it was likely a ghost created in homage to that.

Insect Trapper’s Max Level Stats

Attack (ATK)1070
Defense (DEF)771
Hit Points (HP)15413
Critical Rate10%
Critical Damage50%

Insect Trapper’s Skills

Passive SkillIncrease attack (self) by 20%
Normal Skill Single-target attack equal to 100% of attack power. 40% chance to remove one buff status effect from target.
Special SkillHeals HP (team) by 30%. 55% chance to increase Speed (team) by 15% for 1 turn.
Cooldown Time: 5

What does Insect Trapper look like?

Insect Trapper
Insect Trapper

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