The Kasa-obake, also known as the Umbrella Ghost, is a low-powered entity that first appeared in Japan during that country’s Edo period. Unlike other entities that originated in that region, the Kasa-obake seems to have been invented by storytellers and manifested from the pure power of human belief. As a product of the collective subconscious, they are quite unpredictable – often absorbing personality and mannerisms of anyone that may be nearby when it appears.
Kasa-obake’s Max Level Stats
Type | Fire |
Role | Attack |
Attack (ATK) | 1435 |
Defense (DEF) | 754 |
Hit Points (HP) | 15155 |
Critical Rate | 10% |
Critical Damage | 50% |
Speed | 113 |
Resistance | 10% |
Kasa-obake’s Skills
Passive Skill | Reduce damage received (self) from Water-type enemies by 30%. |
Normal Skill | Single-target attack equal to 100% of attack power. |
Special Skill | Single-target attack equal to 150% of attack power. 55% chance to increase attack (self) by 50% for 2 turns. Cooldown Time: 3 |
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