Yesterday, Jordan from Illfonic hosted a dev stream detailing what is going to be included in the next major patch of Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. Here is a list of the changes coming to Spirits Unleashed.
It’s a quality-of-life update patch that is coming very soon to the game. No date given, but as they did the stream, it is coming VERY soon. Full patch-notes are coming soon, when they are ready to push the update. Update: Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Patch 1.3.0 is now live!
Keyboard and Controller Remapping (Bindings)
Controls and Input are separated, and you’ll be able to change the buttons for just about everything when you are controlling the game, for both Ghosts and Ghostbusters. It will work across both controllers and keyboards, whatever you use to play the game. So for those of us who are used to the controls in Ghostbusters: The Video Game, you’ll be able to remap the buttons to the same ones you used in that game.
Inside of Outfits, there is a Nametag section, and you’ll be able to choose either your default gamertag, or select level-based unlockable nametags. Some will be unlockable based on your contracts and collections of Spores, Molds and Fungus.
Tenure / Prestige

Once you’ve reached level 100, you can go to a shelf upstairs near the pool table where you’ll be able to get a badge. When you activate it, all of your gameplay elements will reset except for cosmetics. Your player and ghost levels will reset, but your player card will show a badge that shows that you’ve increased your tenure. Your equipment will all reset as well. It will launch with only one level of tenure available, to start. Research contracts and side hustles will also reset when you activate this. Rewards for cosmetics will remain. And there will be additional cosmetic unlocks. Level 1 gets you the awesome Collandar hat.
Bug fixes and Improvements
Fixed lots of crashes, improve stability and performance, fixing contract issues, trophy/achievement issues
Lighting improvements across the maps
Improved functionality of research contract menus
Team Preference Button – In between matches, you can adjust your preference in between matches, rather than needing to go back to the firehouse.
Improvements with UI and subtitles.
PKE Blast was nerfed – they’ve shortened the length of time the blast is effective, so that chain-stunning isn’t as effective as before.
Increased the speed the ghost is able to go when stunned. Not a huge increase, but enough to be a little more agile.
Fixed issues where the particle thrower was unable to activate in situations, such as when the RTV is active, etc.
Increased Radar Puck detection distance. It was underpowered.
Ecto-goggles have a battery associated and decreased visibility.
Stamina consumption has been tweaked.
AI Busters have been improved, which will be ongoing improvements.
The tether and trap mini-games had an update, with randomized buttons so it’s more dynamic, and has a bit more time for the player to switch buttons.
All PKE and stun abilities can be interrupted. Added cooldown refunds to the ghost, so if you’re tethered, there’s less of a cooldown, so you can escape and reengage.
There were issues with minions and how fast they spawn, so they have fixed how quickly the minions will spawn, so they are a lot more viable, and they will be a lot more dangerous as they’ve received a buff.
Rift destruction vs detonation will be clear
Rift health will be increased and fracture damage will be increased, to give the ghosts a chance to get the rift from the Ghostbusters.
Looking into more ways to make the artifact spawns more random and diverse. This will come further in the future, but not with this upcoming patch.
When you’re going to haunt or sabotage, the text will let you know if don’t have enough energy to complete it.
Bugs where the ghost wasn’t dropping the trap if they got tethered all the time, that was fixed.
Increased health regeneration when you detonate a rift as a ghost.
Increased the amount that room haunt is added when you detonate a rift as a ghost.
Reduced the amount of slime added to the busters when phasing through the busters.
Reduced the ghost maximum PKE Signal radius (not a huge change, just a little bit). The ghost’s PKE radius expands and contracts with the ghost’s energy levels.
Fixed some of the Ghost animations with the stuns.
Ecto-Vision separates out the Ghostbusters and Civilians… as you get the ghostbusters more and more horrified, the busters become more visible.
Some cooldowns on some of the abilities were increased.
Future DLC and updates
New maps, new ghosts
Buster stat UI changes
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